Hi, I’m Janiki

I help successful women build the foundation for fulfillment beyond prescribed milestones

जान | Jaan | Life

About You


You’ve already achieved a thing or two. Life is not too shabby. But you have an inkling that there’s something more out there.

You probably understand intellectually that there are different ways of thinking, but you’re not always able to put them into practice.

Maybe you recognize that hitting the next goal isn’t magically going to make you more content. But your mind still wanders back to the “if only” thoughts. Or regardless, you’re ready for a change.


Gaining awareness and talking about feelings is great and all, but you want to take it a step further to do something with your insights. You want to grow in your career, relationships, wealth, or health.

And trust me, you may come into our conversations with only one of those areas of life in mind, but you will walk out with new perspectives in other areas too, in ways you couldn’t have foreseen.

Just ask my clients…

What Clients Are Saying

Client | Attorney | JD

"I have had a complete shift in my foundational ways of thinking… I show up to my second job and dating with a better attitude as a result… I could not have hand picked a better coach than Janiki…"

Nikita | Senior Product Manager | Masters in Engineering Management

"Working with Janiki helped me reframe limiting beliefs. I have gained more clarity on my career goals, and we came up with an actionable plan that I now have the confidence to execute…"

About Me

I Rarely Take the Easy Path

I’m a Product Manager turned Life Coach with an MBA from Harvard Business School. In the middle of the MBA, I moved to Bogotá, Colombia to explore the LatAm startup ecosystem. Much to my parents’ chagrin, the one year exploration turned into a three year adventure.

When I decided to return to the U.S., I was looking forward to some stability. While finishing the MBA, the pandemic decided to pay us a visit. I emerged navigating choices for my future… just like you!

So I See You

I understand living the cultural duality (arguably triality). I spent a decent chunk of my childhood dancing around the living room to 90’s Bollywood and have the video footage to show it.

I can guess some of the questions or thoughts in your head as you evaluate both personal and professional choices.

At minimum, I understand your context. At best, I’ve been through something exactly like what you’re going through.

And I Am Trained to Help You

I am a Certified Life Coach. I know how to guide you to make decisions you like.

Like a good therapist, I won’t make assumptions. I will help you question your own. Yes, there will be emotional depth.

But don’t worry. My industrial engineering trained mind will also bring you frameworks and tools. We’ll get analytical.

Like a good mentor, I will share my knowledge and experiences, when applicable.

I’ll bring you the best of all worlds (and leave out the parts you’re not looking for).

Listen Up

I started the Jaan with Janiki podcast and Instagram account to invite you into my world, learn about my own journey and test out relevant concepts in your own life!

We'll explore relationships, career, health, self-confidence and more.

See my content as a launching platform to continuously evolve and feel connected.

Follow my socials and subscribe to my podcast

Here Is a Sneak Peak of Your Journey


  • Therapy will be a better fit if you are functioning below your typical baseline or if you want to work through unprocessed emotional trauma from your past.

    That being said, many people choose to work with therapists and life coaches simultaneously for different purposes.

    Coaching is a great option if you want to gain clarity or make changes in your life through a forward-looking lens.

  • If you are looking to gain clarity in your career direction, I got you. If you're feeling stuck or can't figure out the next action to take, I got you. Just keep in mind that no matter what, we are going to end up exploring your mindsets.

    If you are looking for resume writing, interview prep, or a targeted job search, you are better served by a career coach who offers those services.

    But I don't work on career only. I have helped clients with dating, wealth, relationships in general, self-trust, health... you name it. I'm ready to work with you on any aspect or your life that's calling for attention.

  • I offer 1:1 coaching sessions that are supported with lesson materials and exercises.

    We'll set goals at the beginning based on your individual needs, and our conversations will evolve depending on your progress and what new scenarios come up for you.

    Schedule a free consultation so I can understand where you are right now and where you want to go from here.

  • I believe everyone would benefit from having a life coach, so anyone who feels a vibe with me and my approach is welcome.

    South Asian women, whether they are brought up in the U.S. or India, often have several layers of socialization that I am able to peel back. This easily extends to other immigrants, children of immigrants, third culture kids, women of color and women in general.

    In today's day and age, we are all multi-dimensional people with so much exposure, so feel free to schedule a consultation for a vibe check regardless of your background!

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