Let’s Work on an Adventure You Desire

What Are We Building Together?

I will help you gain direction or make progress toward a fulfilling life that you get to define.

Most of us have been raised to strive for achievement. But sometimes, we don’t pause to ask ourselves if we are just checking boxes, or if we are actually feeling or going to feel content in the long game.

Or sometimes we are so fixated on the long game that we become intolerant of our present.

You and I will get your brain to work in your favor more often. In turn, you will start to show up differently in your life.

Sample Focus Areas


Clarity, motivation, transitions, and getting unstuck.


Money mindsets, starting a business, and discovering passions for a side hustle.

Relationships with Others

Dating mindsets, navigating friendships, and managing family expectations.

Relationship with Self

Self-confidence, health habits, life transition management, and time management.

What Does the Coaching Journey Look Like?

Confidential, virtual 1:1 Coaching Sessions 

Tutorials to develop your own self-coaching practice to work through any challenge during and after the program

Custom designed exercises to structure and accelerate your progress

Bonus: Community of like-minded individuals (opt-in)


You’ll identify the areas you want to work on with me.

You’ll assess their current state.

We’ll set goals.

I’ll share tutorials and content for you to get familiar with my methodology on your own.


I’ll coach you 1:1 to identify the current mindsets that are and aren’t serving you.

I’ll give you tools to start making tweaks and unblock movement toward your goals.

I’ll make sure that the practices I offer you are consistent with your learning style and your lifestyle.

Based on each session, I will offer you exercises that will help frame our next conversation.

You’ll do the work in between.


We’ll evaluate the state of your goals and your transformations.

You’ll walk away with mindset shifts and taking action toward your goals.

These will be revised, intentional goals for your future, and not what you think you “should” be doing.

You will walk away with practices and habits that allow you to keep assessing and iterating in your life on your own.

What Does Jaan with Janiki Mean?

जान | Jaan | Life

Jaan means “life”. It’s an Urdu word also used by Hindi speakers.

Jaan can also be used as a term of endearment (think “meri jaan” = “my life” = “my love”).

जानकी | Janiki

Hi, I’m Janiki!

Janiki is another name for Sita, a Hindu goddess.

So basically… me ;) 

There’s a documentary out there claiming that Janiki is Sita’s mischievous side, and that sounds about right to me.

जान वित जानकी | Jaan with Janiki

You can conclude that working with me will bring out the goddess within you, and you’ll fall in love with your life (or fall in love in general).

What’s with the South Asian Theme?

Culture and Upbringing Matter

We all have been socialized with belief patterns. South Asian women, whether they are brought up in the U.S. or South Asia, often have certain questions and considerations in their mind as they navigate life choices. There may be overlap with the layers of thoughts other immigrants, children of immigrants, third culture kids, women of color and women in general have. I am well equipped to peel back the layers.

My People Need Some Loving

A friend once asked me if I knew of any Indian therapist. I said no and asked her why that factor was important. She replied, “Well, my current therapist keeps telling me to set boundaries with my parents. She doesn’t understand that the way she talks about it doesn’t really work in my family.” That was the moment I realized I could help.

Therapy Sometimes Isn’t the Best Fit Solution

Many people I know who are curious about therapy are functioning above baseline. They find the reflective lens of therapy useful to gain self-awareness. At some point they trickle out when they feel like they know what’s going on and what they want to change, but they weren’t getting tools to make the changes. Self-awareness isn’t enough without action. That’s what we solve for in life coaching.

Let’s Break Some Barriers

I wanted to start a life coaching practice for all of my people living in dual cultures who want to take action toward their desired future, not just analyze their past.

For one thing, there is a mental health stigma in the South Asian and many immigrant communities. When I told my friends I started this business, some Indian men responded, “Why would someone go to YOU for help?” (Don’t get me wrong, many more were supportive!)

Because Help Does Not Make You Weak

I want to show the world that you can be the ostensibly “perfect” Indian daughter by graduating from Harvard, and it’s okay to not have everything together. You may look to others for help. I have been coached many, many times. And I am 100% a better version of myself for it.

You are in your own brain. You can be the smartest person in the world, and there are still things going on behind the scenes that you can’t see. Sometimes you need a neutral, empathetic observer to help you get out of your own way.

What Is More Important?

Option A: Show the world and yourself that you’ll figure it out on your own.

Option B: Live the adventure you want before time passes you by… with a coach’s help along the way.