What Clients Are Saying

Client | Senior Analyst in Consulting | BS in Business Analytics and Finance

“Before this, I was going into overthinking oblivion. I felt stuck after experiencing a lot of turbulence and confusion regarding my relationships, career, and overall direction in life. During our consultation, I realized that Janiki probably has had similar experiences and thoughts. She seemed like the perfect person to work with.

Through our sessions, I figured out the direction and next step in my career. I also came out with a clear one-liner to track progress toward an investment goal. Without the space to actively create structure and find alignment every week, I probably wouldn’t have taken the steps I’ve since taken. I am now taking action with confidence, even if it isn't perfect.

Janiki was able to identify where to dive in when I sometimes wasn’t sure if I wanted to talk about it. We ended up diving deeper into more vulnerable topics such as changing friendships, people pleasing and areas of my life where I was holding resentment (personally and professionally). I am so glad we did.

We found tangible situations to figure out how I want to make decisions in the future for these challenging topics. In my experience, I haven't been able to talk about how to be forward looking and find solutions to these topics with a therapist. I could talk about them with friends, but I won't get an objective answer or go as deep into my personal situation and true feelings. It felt nice to have the space for guidance on how various areas of my life come together and to be asked questions that made me really think about what I want.”

Pooja Venkataraman | Founder and Life & Career Coach | MBA

“I had been spinning on dating for quite some time, prior to working with Janiki. Our sessions got me to a conclusion that I wasn’t expecting. Janiki’s ability to hold space, notice & question my unspoken assumptions, and offer valuable insights made that happen. Now I have a way of approaching dating that I love as well as the confidence that I can adjust my approach as needed in the future.”

Client | Attorney | JD

“I have had a complete shift in my foundational ways of thinking and sense of self in just six sessions. My relationship to wealth and money has changed. I show up to my second job with a better attitude as a result. I also think about compatibility in relationships on more levels and view people with wealth in a more neutral way.

I could not have hand picked a better coach than Janiki, because we have similar attitudes and are in the same life stage. We have so many shared experiences, including an interest in Latin America and our educational backgrounds. She didn’t follow a traditional path after HBS as a brown girl and understands managing relationships with parents through such decisions.

As a result of this combination, I felt a lack of judgment. She was so open during our consultation that I didn’t hesitate to bring up topics some people in the Indian community would be closed off to.

Rachita | University Teacher | MPH & MFA

“With her audio files, weekly resource materials, and routine meetings, Janiki has greatly enhanced my self-awareness, self-confidence, and ability to identify and manage emotions. I have seen continuous progress in my personal and social life, building skills in communication and self-discipline. Each month, I feel significantly better equipped to take care of my mental health.

Janiki provides valuable input and unwavering support. She asks you about your life goals in the beginning and then offers guidance as you discuss them further. She creates a judgment-free environment, offering a listening ear and constructive advice in each of the meetings. I am grateful for our weekly sessions and highly recommend her as a life coach!”

Nikita | Senior Product Manager | Masters in Engineering Management

“Working with Janiki helped me reframe limiting beliefs. I have gained more clarity on my goals, and we came up with an actionable plan that I now have the confidence to execute. At the beginning, I felt like I had no agency. I no longer feel stuck, because I have a plan.

I loved Janiki's style of coaching with empathy and wisdom. She has great suggestions and uses the right frameworks at the right time to work through a lot of ambiguity I felt. The coaching program definitely helped me in the career challenges I'm currently facing, but the framework is also a great takeaway for me to apply to other aspects of my life.

During our consultation, she shared a bit about her journey. Between that and her South Asian identity, I felt confident she would understand my challenges. She's also a smart, accomplished girl who intentionally worked through some challenges in her own life, so I felt that she'd provide insightful guidance . All of that played out. I also expected coaching to be like therapy, but what surprised me was that it felt practical and actionable.”

Client | Business Analyst | MA in Public Health & Forensic Mental Health Counseling

“After working with Janiki, I have more clarity and understanding of the power I hold in my life to make decisions. I’ve become more trusting of myself and my ability to carry myself safely and successfully through life. I’ve also recognized my worth, which opens up my mind to new growth possibilities in career and wealth.

I looked forward to each session and appreciated the very neutral perspective Janiki held and provided on my situations. Her observations and questions kickstarted my thinking to go down a route that I hadn’t entertained before.

Janiki held a lot of space for me, I have grown to understand myself better, and importantly I have tools to build on that.”

Dithya | Software Engineer | Masters in Data Science

“After analyzing my career and personal objectives with Janiki, I became more content with what is achievable in the short term versus what I can go after in the long term, keeping immigration factors in mind. This was especially helpful for me considering my circumstances which don’t allow a lot of flexibility in my approach to my goals. I also felt the program helped me get over some level of stress induced by my own thoughts which was more often than not the problem.

I also feel more confident to start conversations in professional settings that help me achieve my goals. I am continuing to develop the same skill in personal settings. At the same time, I don’t feel the responsibility to uphold the relationship and am applying concepts to adjust my expectations. I recognize that relationships are a two-way street.

I liked the ease of conversation with Janiki. She comes from a tech background and has a higher degree of relatability as a South Asian. She knows many people like me, so even though she is brought up in the U.S. she understands topics like immigration. I initially thought working with her would be purely career coaching, but we dove into topics like emotion management, which was good for me personally.”

Client | Product Manager | BA in Economics

“My motivation to take action toward the job search, relationships, and other areas increased through weekly support. Even if I felt scared or didn’t feel like doing something, I was able to leave each session feeling like I was in the drivers’ seat

I’ve done personal development work before, so part of me came in thinking I may already know this. But I was open and learned many new approaches. As a South Asian woman with a similar career background and interests as me, Janiki presented relatable examples from her own life with a different perspective for me to then make my own choices.”

Zalak | Real Estate Agent & Physical Therapist | BS in Physical Therapy

“Janiki is the perfect person to be doing this. You best believe I am not going to shop for another life coach. I didn’t want to throw in too much, because she’s not a therapist, but she ended up helping out with everything.

I like the way she approaches every session and goes deep to find the answers. She helps me focus on what I really need to work on. After every session, my next three days completely change. I could see that if I didn’t take actions to improve my life, I would be stuck where I was. I treat the session output as homework to test out in my work life, and that has shown me that there are different, more effective choices I can make.

Before working with Janiki, I felt lost and didn’t feel content, even though everyone was telling me I was doing great. Now I structure each day to prioritize time for myself while ensuring quality service to my clients.”